AmCham Patronage. General information and connection criteria

Patronage is recognition by AmCham Italy of the initiatives promoted by bodies, associations, and public or private organizations, of particular social, moral, cultural, economic, and/or institutional merit.

Nature of Patronage

Patronage is recognition by AmCham Italy of the initiatives promoted by bodies, associations, and public or private organizations, of particular social, moral, cultural, economic, and/or institutional merit. The initiatives are publicized with the indication "con il patrocinio di American Chamber of Commerce in Italy" ("with the patronage of the American Chamber of Commerce in Italy").

Purpose of Patronage

AmCham Italy's patronage is given to events (meetings, conferences, workshops, exhibitions) of a national and/or international nature.

Patronage is not granted to political initiatives and/or events strictly local in nature, or to initiatives that do not come under AmCham Italy's institutional mission.

Patronage is granted for the individual initiative, and is not extended on a permanent basis. 

Characteristics of the application

Patronage may be applied for by:

(i) non-profit associations, committees, and foundations;

(ii) other non-profit bodies;

(iii) private legal persons and organizations. 

Patronage is not granted to:

(i) initiatives conflicting with AmCham Italy's purposes;

(ii) initiatives of a political nature or promoted by political bodies. 

Patronage application

(i) the patronage application must be made by the applicant, by writing to AmCham's e-mail address:


The application must contain the following information: 

(i) applicant's data and qualification;

(ii) description of the event;

content and theme of the event, event program, place and date, name of any presenters, any other patronages granted and/or applied for;

(iii) declaration that the initiative has no political purposes;

(ii) declaration of the initiative's being free of or for consideration, indicating any requests to pay for membership fees, entry tickets, contributions, or other charges on any grounds;

(iv) any other information that might be of use for assessing the application.

The application must be submitted at least one (1) month prior to the event, so as to allow the necessary assessments to be carried out that AmCham Italy requires in order to grant its patronage. Patronage is granted in writing, and notification is made via e-mail.

Criteria - Benefits

After the received applications are checked, patronage is granted by the American Chamber of Commerce in Italy in the person of its executive director in office, at his or her discretion.

Patronage is granted free of charge, or for non-repayable consideration made to AmCham Italy.

In addition to the indication "con il patrocinio di American Chamber of Commerce in Italy" ("with the patronage of the American Chamber of Commerce in Italy"), the granting of patronage includes the use of the AmCham Italy logo, which may be reproduced in all the sponsored event's communication tools, in keeping with the prescriptions defined in writing from time to time.

The sponsored initiatives are publicized in the events section of the AmCham website.

At AmCham Italy's discretion, the event may be announced in the monthly newsletter, as well as to a selection of members. 


AmCham Italy may, on justified grounds, revoke the granted patronage when the communication tools that are used and/or the procedures for carrying out the sponsored initiative are liable to harm AmCham Italy's image.