Who does AmCham Italy provide services to?
The companies that use AmCham Business Services are medium- and large-sized Italian companies structured to deal with the various complexities characterizing the United States market.
The Business Services team
The Business Services team is composed of professionals from inside and outside AmCham, with the proven experience on the United States market that is indispensible for developing tailor-made projects in accordance with the companies’ specific needs. The team prepares a stocktaking document reporting the results of the analysis of the reference market; of the research on importers and distributors on national territory, of federal, state, and county incentives, and of personnel and utilities costs, for those Italian companies that wish to start up a production unit in the United States.
Moreover, the Business Services area can support the Italian company with expansion projects in the United States based on the acquisition of American enterprises already operating on the territory. In this setting, AmCham can provide the interested company with a short list of companies – including their commercial, economic, and reputational data – that could be targets for an M&A process.
The services offered by the AmCham Business Services team are specific, and respond to the individual requirements of the companies requesting its support. Formal acceptance of a scaled-cost estimate is also provided for, in accordance with the corporate membership type.