U.S. Government Offices
ECACC - European Council of the American Chambers of Commerce
Is the network of the American Chambers of Commerce in Europe. It represents the interests of more than 17,000 American and European companies employing 20 million workers – account for more than $ 1.1 trillion in investment on both sides of the Atlantic. As a bilateral voice of American and European companies, AmChams in Europe works to communicate the importance of the transatlantic economy in both Europe and the United States.
Italian government offices
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the world’s largest business organization representing the interests of more than 3 million businesses of all sizes, sectors, and regions. Its members range from mom-and-pop shops and local chambers to leading industry associations and large corporations. They all share one thing—they count on the Chamber to be their voice in Washington, D.C..